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My horoscope today says: You are feeling a little more temperamental than usual, Capricorn, and if you are not careful, this will affect your love affairs today. Your emotions are at an all time high, and not very many of them are good ones. If you are attached, you are feeling even a little cranky, and are likely to erupt over the smallest issue. Don't let minor irritations interfere with the bigger picture. One explosion that seems small to you may well alienate someone else for good.
Do you believe in horoscope? I don't. I read them when I can but I don't let it run my day. But this one is right on the dot. I have been going crazy and moody the last couple of days... if not, weeks. I don't know why but little things make me crazy. It's like I am in an emotional spin. One moment I am calm and the next I am erupting. Am I depressed? I know I am stressed but with what? with life? WHY?
I guess I feel this way because deep inside of me there is a void. A void that I don't know how to fill. I worry too much. Of things that I don't even know what.
Too much expectations. I expect too much when I should not. I can't expect things to be the same when the circumstances now is different from before. They say when you love, you give yourself 100% and more. But this love needs to be reciprocated. In my case, I know it is but I just want more. Am I being selfish? Is my understanding shallow? My patience diminished? Is something wrong with me? What is wrong with me?
Treat other people the way you want to be treated. But what if I am tired of always being the nice one; of always being the one who thinks of what to do, of always being the one who is in charge? What if I want you to be nice to me first before I treat you right? What if I am down and overwhelmed that I am the one who needs to be comforted this time? That this time, it is I who needs to hear that everything is going to be okay because I am not sure anymore if I can take care of things on my own? What if I can no longer smile because I am hurting inside and that I need you to talk to me; that the silent treatment just drives me crazy even more? What if I am the one who needs the hug, the apology?
My horoscope today warns me as if it is my fault to be cranky at small issues. As I said, I don't believe in horoscopes and I don't let it run my day.
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**another sort of hallmark writing I wrote for my husband years ago. Years have gone by and the feelings remain the same :) **For every smile you bring
for every fast heartbeat
and for every chill in my spine...
For every tear with each favorite love
for every quiet moments I think of you
and for every sweet line you make
especially for me...
For everyday I wake up happy
and for every night you are close to me...
For the magic every time we kiss,
every time we hug, and
every time we touch...
and for that special wonderful feeling
every time we make love...
For the dreams...
for the wishes...
and for the inspiration... for all that I feel and all that I am
I love you.
**always and forever**
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Justin as Captain Jack Sparrow with cousin Jaedhan as Davey Jones. Halloween 2006. Today was pleasant. There was no rushing in the morning (yes, I did follow my routine) and we arrived school 10 minutes early! There was not a lot of children yet when we arrived school. Justin and I sat on a bench and I said, "Justin, why don't you read your Halloween poem?" So he did. And as he was reading it, I felt proud and happy. My sweet Justin is now a big kid. My thoughts flashed forward to the time he will be in highschool, to college, and then back to the fact that he is now almost 7 years old. My heart was filled with gratitude and joy watching him read and listening to the poem.Halloween Countdown
by Robert McCracken
One is the pumpkin shining in the night
Two are the ghosts filling us with fright.
Three are the vampires sucking out the blood.
Four are the lizards slithering through the mud.
Five are the witches stirring up a stew.
Six are the warlocks adding to the brew.
Seven are the bats swirling through the gloom.
Eight are the cats howling in our room.
Nine are the skeletons rattling without mirth.
Ten are the coffins buried in the earth.
Eleven are the goblins coloured vivid green.
Twelve are the children hollering, "Happy Halloween!"
He was smiling as he ended the poem. He then saw a friend and left me sitting on the bench. Just like that. I sat for a few minutes and savoured the happiness I was feeling. And then it was time for me to go. By this time many children were already playing in the schoolyard and so I went looking for Justin. I found him playing soccer with four boys and I called his name to wave goodbye.
He said, "bye mommy!"
"Bye, Justin!" I said as I turned to walk away.
And then he said, "Oh mommy, wait!" He ran towards me.
"What is it, honey?"
He put his arms around me and gave me a big hug and two kisses on my left cheek.
And then he said, "bye, mommy!"
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From now on I shall live in the moment. I shall slow down, take deep breaths and enjoy life. I shall heal myself, free from hatred, frustrations, stress and all negativity.
I shall feed my spirit with
inspiration, dreams and goals that will make me a better person. I shall nurture myself and those around me and love more and more each day... give more of me than the day before without feeling any regrets and feeling depressed.
I shall love because I am loved.
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**This was sort of a hallmark writing I wrote for my husband years ago**
If I can describe my feelings for you I will say,
"it's indescribable"If I can compare my feelings for you I will say,
"it's incomparable"If I can explain my feelings for you I will say,
"the number of reasons are beyond imagination"If I can say my feelings for you in words, I will say,
"words are not enough"If I can tell you how deep my feelings are... I will say,
"if sky is water, it is deeper than that"If I can say to you how true my feelings are... I will say,
"as true as the sun shines in the east and that it sets in the west"If I can say how long I will feel this way, I will say, "for eternity"
If I can show you how I feel right now... I will show it with a kiss... that speaks the language of my heart.
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Just random thoughts regarding motherhood. I saw the pile of clothes that I need to fold but then thought to myself that I am too tired and I still have to cook breakfast.
Transferrable motherhood skills:- Organizational skill* keeping things organized and neat. Children must know where to get their favorite toys, shirt/dresses and socks and shoes. These things are neatly labelled or visually available so they can reach or get them by themselves. This saves mommy a lot of time.
*we learn to prioritize! There are things at work that are put aside like filing for example. To me folding clothes is like filing. It gets done eventually but not as soon as keeping the kitchen clean and tidy or cooking breakfast.
- Negotiation*making compromises to settle issues positively
"Mommy, I want to play game cube now!"
"Well, how about you finish all your vegetables now and then I can let you play game cube for extra five minutes"
- Managing skills*running errands; making sure there is milk in the fridge is ONE of the MANY important things that mommies take charge of. (don't forget budgeting!)
- Multi-tasking*while the stew is on simmer (for 10 minutes), I give Jessiah a quick bath so he is all cleaned up.
* I just finished giving Jesse his morning bath and while he is sleeping right now, I am have finished cooking breakfast and am now starting cooking lunch. It is 8:52 am.
- Stress management* ahhh... the most important of them all! You can't do all of the above if you are not a master of this one.
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When I am old and gray, I want to remember...(this note shall be updated from time to time every time a happy thought arises)
- It's amazing how I feel safe holding Jessiah in my arms... how he makes me feel that everything will be fine. (This I felt with all three of them: Janvier, Justin and Jessiah.. It's just now that I get the opportunity to write my feelings down)
- At the end of the day, every time he comes to me crying and he falls asleep into my arms, I feel that I have done something right...
- Putting him to sleep while listening to my old cd's as if we are both slow dancing to the music is relaxing to me (which I also did before especially with Janvier.. yes, especially and mostly Janvier)
- I remember feeling down (a long time ago), Janvier was almost 6 years old, he came to me while I was sitting alone in the dining room and he said, "are you okay mommy? don't worry I'm here." Janvier, I have to say is my knight in shining armour.
- Justin once said, I love you mommy! You are fat! I love you, you are so comfy... and he made little twinkles with his eyes and hugged me ^^
- that tears roll down on Janvier's cheeks when I sing If We Hold On Together by Diana Ross and Words by Beegees. When we listened to the song The Book of Love by Peter Gabriel, we were both crying.
- that Janvier who is now 12 years old almost 13, still hugs and kiss me every time I drop him off at school and before he goes to sleep.
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lousy date night
As I sit here in the bar I felt that time does change the way people feel: towards other people or simply how they feel about things. I, for example, usually enjoy being at a bar but not really right now. Is it because of the cheap, lousy sound that the band is delivering? Maybe it is the food. It could be that I just have a mdifferent acquired taste. Well, the ambiance maybe? There are a lot of mosquitoes here! As I am writing this, I have close to me a mosquito repeller. That could be one of the reasons why I am not having fun right now. How about the company I have with me? Well, they are not bad, they are not that fun either. Hmmmnn... the drinks? Yes, the drinks are not that great.
But all of these are minor things why I am not enjoying myself in a supposed to be fun place that I used to like.
You see the very first time I went to a bar where I really really had fun was with this guy who I first met when I was in highschool. But the very first time we went dancing in a bar was in college . That night was exceptionally fun. It was a crowded room, sound was amazing, drinks were all over the place. The excitement was beyond imagination. It was loud. The noise was music it made me high. The dancefloor shook as we danced to the music, our hearts were pounding. I could feel his sweat as his body touches mine. It felt
I loved how we teased each other on the dancefloor.
Now I sit here feeling bored. The passion is no longer here. Is it the time that has changed the feeling or is it the person who has changed? Whatever the answer is it saddens me because I still want that passion. It is still in me. But what is the use of this burning passion in me if I can not feel it back?
And oh, I don't feel like being nice right now to clap at a sucky performance. I personally think that singing a song that was requested is not enough that they deserve my applause. Har!Har! But because I am naturally nice, I am just putting everything in writing :) and to keep myself occupied at this boring, longest moment I am in.
The moon is out and the stars are bright. It would have been worthwhile to stay alone in the garden with the moon and the stars. The quiet night would be my lullaby, the nice warm breeze would be my blanket. It would have been nice if only I knew what would happen before I sat here in the bar.