My horoscope today says: You are feeling a little more temperamental than usual, Capricorn, and if you are not careful, this will affect your love affairs today. Your emotions are at an all time high, and not very many of them are good ones. If you are attached, you are feeling even a little cranky, and are likely to erupt over the smallest issue. Don't let minor irritations interfere with the bigger picture. One explosion that seems small to you may well alienate someone else for good.
Do you believe in horoscope? I don't. I read them when I can but I don't let it run my day. But this one is right on the dot. I have been going crazy and moody the last couple of days... if not, weeks. I don't know why but little things make me crazy. It's like I am in an emotional spin. One moment I am calm and the next I am erupting. Am I depressed? I know I am stressed but with what? with life? WHY?
I guess I feel this way because deep inside of me there is a void. A void that I don't know how to fill. I worry too much. Of things that I don't even know what.
Too much expectations. I expect too much when I should not. I can't expect things to be the same when the circumstances now is different from before. They say when you love, you give yourself 100% and more. But this love needs to be reciprocated. In my case, I know it is but I just want more. Am I being selfish? Is my understanding shallow? My patience diminished? Is something wrong with me? What is wrong with me?
Treat other people the way you want to be treated. But what if I am tired of always being the nice one; of always being the one who thinks of what to do, of always being the one who is in charge? What if I want you to be nice to me first before I treat you right? What if I am down and overwhelmed that I am the one who needs to be comforted this time? That this time, it is I who needs to hear that everything is going to be okay because I am not sure anymore if I can take care of things on my own? What if I can no longer smile because I am hurting inside and that I need you to talk to me; that the silent treatment just drives me crazy even more? What if I am the one who needs the hug, the apology?
My horoscope today warns me as if it is my fault to be cranky at small issues. As I said, I don't believe in horoscopes and I don't let it run my day.
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