Multiply by 2 when I go back to work. As if motherhood is not work already! :)


Just random thoughts regarding motherhood. I saw the pile of clothes that I need to fold but then thought to myself that I am too tired and I still have to cook breakfast.

Transferrable motherhood skills:

- Organizational skill
* keeping things organized and neat. Children must know where to get their favorite toys, shirt/dresses and socks and shoes. These things are neatly labelled or visually available so they can reach or get them by themselves. This saves mommy a lot of time.

*we learn to prioritize! There are things at work that are put aside like filing for example. To me folding clothes is like filing. It gets done eventually but not as soon as keeping the kitchen clean and tidy or cooking breakfast.

- Negotiation
*making compromises to settle issues positively
"Mommy, I want to play game cube now!"
"Well, how about you finish all your vegetables now and then I can let you play game cube for extra five minutes"

- Managing skills
*running errands; making sure there is milk in the fridge is ONE of the MANY important things that mommies take charge of. (don't forget budgeting!)

- Multi-tasking
*while the stew is on simmer (for 10 minutes), I give Jessiah a quick bath so he is all cleaned up.
* I just finished giving Jesse his morning bath and while he is sleeping right now, I am have finished cooking breakfast and am now starting cooking lunch. It is 8:52 am.

- Stress management
* ahhh... the most important of them all! You can't do all of the above if you are not a master of this one.

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