Unforgettable First

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So, all of us have had our "firsts", right? First steps, first birthday cake, first love, first kiss, first date, the first deed. And we all know how those memories are special because in some ways, shape or form, our first do make an impact in our life.

If you have been reading my thoughts, you must know by now how messed up my mind can get, how emotional of a lady I can be, how basically little tiny things touch my heart. And you must know by now that this blog is about me shaping my life so I can live the best life I could possibly have.

So, here is a secret I have discovered (but first let me take a deep breath --- Haaaaahh) Ok, that was good. Listen, not only have I discovered this secret, I lived it! The secret is to be brave --- to be courageous, to face your fear, to tell yourself you can do it because you have to do it, to start it, to do it now. Ok maybe this was not a secret, maybe I already heard someone say this or perhaps have seen this on Oprah. Anyway, here is what happened: My husband got a job here in Yellowknife, we moved here, I was going crazy and did not know what to do with me. That's the prelude, he he he....

Then I went to my first writing workshop hosted by NorthWords.

Then I became part of NorthWords Writers Festival.

Then the next thing I know we were preparing to organize the 6th Annual NorthWords Festival.

Then, I was having dinner with writers --- aspiring writers, emerging writers, published writers, bestselling and award-winning authors. Oh my God! You can imagine the high and vibrant energy of all these people being sucked by my being and all this just inside me --- in my fingers, my hand, my knees, my feet, my stomach, in my heart. Charlotte Gray was there. She is an award-winning biographer and historian, and author of eight acclaimed books of literary non-fiction. She is best known for her 2006 bestseller, Reluctant Genius: The Passionate Life and Inventive Mind of Alexander Graham Bell. Her recent book and the most ambitious is Gold Diggers - striking it rich in the Klondike. Susan Juby, the inspiring author of Alice MacLeod book series, Nice Recovery, and The Woefield Poultry Collective, was also there. I tell you, I was starstruck! And most of all honored and privileged to be around these amazing and fascinating people. Oh, hold on... they were not talking to me yet at this point. Good thing I did not peed my pants when I had a photo with the two of them. Yes, I was giddy! But only inside. I did not want to scare them away you know.

One thing that NorthWords do and which by the way, I must say do best is to encourage and celebrate northern writers. One way of doing this is by giving the writers the chance to expose themselves to the community. And what's the best way to do it? Reading. There is Flash which is an open mic. What happens is a writer can read any piece they want to share but only for 3 minutes which is why this event is also referred to as "your 3 minutes of fame". And yesterday, I was there. I came there to watch and to read. I was going to read the story which I wrote and titled I wuv you Mommy. I practiced the night before and even timed myself of how to read it within 3 minutes. But when I got there at the Flash event, I was scared. I was thinking of ,"what if nobody liked it?" or "what if I stutter?" or "what if I read too long and people get bored?" I was thinking of nothing but negative thoughts and putting myself down. So I decided not to read and settled on admiring the talented brave people speaking, reading on the podium. One author that strike me best that day was the internationally celebrated poet Gregory Scofield. He is indeed a dynamic talent and very unique when it comes to reading and storytelling. I enjoyed the event a lot. By the time it ended, I came to say hi to Susan Juby. In our conversation, she asked me, "Why did you not read?" And I said, "Well, I did not feel brave enough." And then she goes, "Well you have to be brave next year then." And then she said bye with this illuminating smile.

The next day which was the day 2 of the festival, there was an event called Blush or what people here call Erotica. Again an open mike where people can read but this time the piece had to be sensual. And so everything that you have read so far is also a prelude of what this post was all about. Needless to say, I read that night and it was truly one of the best firsts in my life. I was grateful for the privilege of being surrounded by people who share my interest and passion, grateful for the warmth and encouragement that they give to each other and being a part of that is such a blessing. I am humbled but always inspired to be in Annelies Pool and Richard Van Camp's presence, fortunate to have found new friends (I am comfortable enough to hug them that's why) in the names of Batiste Foisy, Marianne Bromley, Cathy Jewison, David and Sandra Malcolm, Jamie Bastedo, and of course Judy McLinton and Colin Henderson. And I must tell you, the best part of it were hugs from Annelies Pool, Richard Van Camp and Helena Katz... all my inspiration, Colin Henderson's sort of high five and hand shake, Batiste Foisy's pat on my shoulder. And yes of course, the laughter, Charlotte Gray's sentiment, "You did well up there, January. That was funny!" and Susan Juby's smile as she said, "Good job. You had them at the edge of their seats."

And so without further delay, here is what I read on my IPhone note, last night at the event called Blush:An Evening of Erotica and Sensuality. And I am leaving you with this thought that of course I got from Oprah.... "Listen to what your life is whispering to you and do not waste anymore time."

Be warned. This is an adult subject matter. Enjoy.

So I was lying down on my bed to take a short nap thinking about tonight's erotica. Closing my eyes, I saw Greg Scofield and heard his bedroom voice his soothing oohh's and ahhhh's. Then I saw Susan Juby talking to me saying, "Why did you not read?" I said, "Well I did not feel brave enough" And then she said, "Well you gotta be brave next year then".

But then I questioned myself, why do I have to brave next year? Why can I not be brave now? Maybe I can come up with a short story, it does not have to be long.... it could be short enough say.... like when I am really tired and faking it. So here I am with this very short story inspired by Greg and Susan ^_^

Oooh it's tight, be gentle... Ohh that's big. There. Ahuh, ahuh. Ooh push it a little bit more. Yes, yes, ohhh this way, yes that's right, uhmmmn a little bit more yeah, yeah a bit more, ohhh god! Oooh that's good, yeah I like that, that's it, that's it, ahuh, ahuh, here right here, yes, yes, yes, yeah right there, oh yeah, push it inside, more, ohhh you are so good at this, more, yeah that's it ohhhh my you're sweating! Just a bit more please don't stop, don't stop doon't stop! Yes! Yes, Yeesss! Oh God! That was great... Finally!! Thank you this couch was really big! Ahhhh that was intense.

Comment (1)

January, thanks so much for this post! You have some great stories to tell. I look forward to reading and hearing them. Your enthusiasm is invigorating and you're a pleasure to have on the board. This year's festival wouldn't have been the same without your efforts and without your energy.


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