Friday Random Thoughts

- "It's gorgeous today in Yellowknife.... until you go out."
- "The sun is bright and yellow... but don't be fooled. It is freaking cold!"
- "A day can start out wrong but flow really smoothly."
- "Sometimes I wish there is a camera for words inside my head. A fast camera that can capture these flying, running, all over the place words."
- "I also sometimes wish I can mute my brain. It does get loud."
- "I think my mind blabber too much. But if my mouth does the blabbering, you'll definitely think I am going crazy."
- "Today is great because it is!"
- "I have so much energy or maybe because I drink too much coffee? Hmmmnnn..."
- "My boys bore me sometimes. All they want to do is play PS3 and Xbox 360. I tell them they are lucky I don't like playing these games or else they will have to face a real competitor."
- "Today is Friday and we had a lovely big breakfast today: bacon and eggs, toasts, and potato patties! I really love breakfast! It is my favorite meal of the day. I love it most when it happens between 6:00 to 9:00 in the morning."
- "Now I miss my mama who I used to have breakfast with at Tim Horton's. Sometimes at McDonald's."
- "It is 3:56 in the afternoon and I am talking about breakfast. Weird."
- "For the very first time, I actually am enjoying this doing nothing situation. Wait, is writing this blog "doing nothing"? Hmmmnn...."
- "I really have to shut this mind of mine. Shut up! shut up!"
- "Ok, this has got to stop. What to do, what to do?"
**scatches head**
**watches Janvier play PS3**
**thinks of Jesse who is playing and watching Toy Story 3 in the bedroom**
**sees Justin who is busy playing with his Lego in his bedroom**
**looks out the window**
- "It's starting to get daaAaark!"
- "It's 4:00 in the afternoon! Already?"
- "Okay, gotta go! I have to get ready to meet my husband and get some groceries!"
- "Maybe Apple can come up with a recording device that can capture the words in my mind without me speaking it. Maybe."
- "Ok, bye!"
- "Sorry, I wasted your time."
-"I did not waste mine though. Feel good about that. I mean you. You should feel good about the fact I did not waste my time. You did a good thing here. Reading my crazy random thoughts. Thank you."

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