"Do it. Whatever it is. If you have a dream, go ahead, take risks, and
make whatever sacrifices you possibly can. Endure the funny looks.
Ignore the ridicule if ridicule comes. Expect some unfairness along the way,
and kick up a fuss about it if kicking and fussing feel productive.
Whatever you do, keep moving forward." - Robin Black, writer
make whatever sacrifices you possibly can. Endure the funny looks.
Ignore the ridicule if ridicule comes. Expect some unfairness along the way,
and kick up a fuss about it if kicking and fussing feel productive.
Whatever you do, keep moving forward." - Robin Black, writer
After leaving my 5 years secure job at a prestigious, one of the best financial companies in the world, I am now standing in a big empty crossroad with no clue on which way to go. I am confused and I feel that there is something holding me to keep my feet exactly where I am standing.
In my quest to search what my purpose is or what I can become, I came upon this article. The author Robin Black wrote, " ... beginning a new career in midlife requires you to take yourself seriously enough that your confidence won't be shattered if other people don't. As you contemplate embarking on a new career, you have to confront some powerful inner demons."
And then it hit me. I realized that all this time I was not brave and confident I thought I was. I remember how confident and mature I was for my age growing up. At that time I knew what I wanted to do and I did them well, a lot of them outstandingly; I achieved whatever goals I set my mind to, I had my own definition of me and I knew how to set myself apart from other children. I remember I would be around and more comfortable talking with older people about life than people my own age. As a child I was taking my confidence from them... from the wisdom and knowledge of the people who I saw were more experienced, more knowledgeable and wiser than me. The dilemma lies now--- now that I am older. I seem to hang on to the child in me who was in the middle of the mature crowd when I should already be one of the mature people in the crowd talking to the child. I realized that I was not giving myself any credits of the things I have learned and of all that I have achieved and challenges I overcame. I am still this child who needed to be told that I am doing a good job when I should just own and validate it myself.
I now understand that I need to stand up and think thoughtfully as I tell my inner-child that it is time for her to embark on her journey, that she is now well equipped with the wisdom, knowledge and experiences that will help her to get where she wants to be --- that there is nothing to be afraid of.
Though the road is dark, long and bumpy, I will no longer hold myself aback but will look ahead and continue to move forward armed with faith and confidence --- I shall be fearless. And I shall not be ashamed if occasionally I would fall in a hole, slip on the sideways, trip on the rocks for I know that what matters the most is that I get up each and every time only wiser and much stronger.
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