For who and what I am, I owe.

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For being generous and strong-willed, I owe my mom.
For her welcoming and kind heart that shines on people she lends a helping hand to...
For her determination and ambition to live a better life for herself and for her family, for her being sacrificial and being a fighter during hard times.

For the love of words, I owe to my dad. He who was selfless and whose spirit was strong in those times of trials. He who always had a soft heart for those in need, who helps for the sake of helping even though it means there would be nothing left for him for he believed that relationships are valuable than material possessions. He who believed that true love lasts forever, that faith in God is within me and that no matter where I am I can keep God with me, he who regarded his children as his most treasured possessions and greatest achievement in life. He who has instilled in me to always look at the brighter side for there is always good in everything.

For the wisdom I now have, I owe my children... for teaching me patience, and resilience, for showing me how precious life is, and for letting me experience how rewarding motherhood is.

My good friends who allow me to be me, for teaching me to accept and celebrate who I am and for being such angels...

My brothers and my sisters for teaching me sensitivity, cooperation, love, humility and loyalty; for letting me experience how to care and to protect.

For my grandparents and relatives who has passed on to me the richness of being part of a family, the traditions, the stories and memories that make me belong and special.

And most of all my husband who has made me complete, for letting me love unconditionally and for loving me in return if not even more, for being the dream that I dream who is now with me and till eternity.

I close my eyes and wake up each day always grateful for everything you are to me. Each of you has left your hand prints in my heart. Each of you has taught me, nurtured me, and molded me of who and what I am now. Each of the values, experiences, and characteristics I have were instilled by you. In this lifetime, I could not be more honored and humbled that each of you is a part of me that make me whole.
~ litlmisscaffeine~

Me when I was 9 years old with my late Daddy Phineas. How I adored him and miss him terribly now.

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