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living best life
"It’s amazing what you can do
when you stop worrying about failing." - Anne Sweeney
It's amazing how a person's attitude changes once you open your mind to great possibilities --- once you are no longer afraid of failing, for all you see, all you think about, is how life is truly a worthwhile fun adventure. Everyday!
At this age, I am so excited, so grateful, to be feeling like Olivia here.
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living best life
If it is meant to be, it is. If it is not, don't question, just let it be.
Let life run the course this time.
God knows what your heart desires
but God knows what it is that you truly need.
Today is the first day of September and although it is bright and sunny, one can feel that the frost is soon to be here again in Yellowknife. And before that cool frost comes, I thought I should share with you one of the fun summer activities I have been doing.
I have been doing some gardening as a volunteer for CNIB or Canadian National Institute For The Blind. I planted potatoes, carrots, lettuce and a lot more. It was cool because I have not done this before, ever! And the coolest part was getting my hands dirty, digging that earth, knowing that in the littlest way, I am being a part of my new community.
So here are the photos of the garden.
Justin and Jesse helping. They are both excited.
Lettuce, Dill and more
more potatoes
snap peas
I love this photo
Justin loves this treat after gardening.
Jesse tried it but later on gave me the treat. Maybe next time he'll like it.