My Chicken Soup for the Soul: a Devotional Story of a Mother

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This past week has been an emotional and physical strain for me. Jesse, my two year old son has been keeping me up all night because of his eczema. He has developed eczema since he was about a month old and it had been sleepless nights for me and him.

I have seen other children in pictures with worst cases of eczema. Jesse's eczema, compared to theirs is not that bad but nevertheless concerning. When he was about 6 months old, he realized that he can pull the socks that were covering his hands. This was not good because that was my last resort of protecting him from himself. At night, I would stay up to do the scratching for him and more so that he would not scratch himself too much. There were nights though that I fell asleep and woke up with Jesse's blood stains on the pillow sheets and blanket.

The sad fact about eczema is that there is no cure for it. You can manage it but not cure it. Jesse's eczema is manageable now that I know the do's and dont's and most importantly that I have found the right products that work for him. But part of managing it is staying up late with him to constantly massage him with his lotion and also to watch out for his deep scratching... to make sure that he does not bleed from scratching too much.

I have been feeling so exhausted and emotional this past days due to lack of sleep, lack of sunshine (winter in the arctic), lack of fun places to escape to for the day, lack of energy, lack of interest and a lot of other things that are lacking. All of my emotions are locked deep inside my heart and mind that I feel like blowing up any minute. Last night, I almost lost it. But before I did, I let my emotions flow as tears as I prayed The Lord's Prayer again and again while trying to stop Jesse from scratching. In the living room, on our bean bags, he fell asleep with me massaging his hands with his lotion at
about 4 o'clock in the morning.

A mail came today for me from my mom. It was a birthday and Christmas card in one. I am a Christmas baby. The cover reads, "You're a daughter to be proud of at Christmas and Always".

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I thought to myself that God does know when to touch my heart. He knows what to say to me. My mother's message is a reminder of my mother's devotional love for me. How else could I make her proud and show her my love and gratefulness but being a devotional mother to my sons?

And like other devotional stories for mothers on the book Chicken Soup for the Soul, I am ending this with my own prayer.

My Prayer
Dear Lord, Please give me strength to do my duties as a mother and a wife, Please grant me gentleness, patience and endurance that I may continue to show my love, my care, my devotion to my sons who are your most precious gifts to me. Amen.

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